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The Korea Accreditation Board (KAB) was established on September 28, 1995, in accordance with the government's policy of non-governmental operation for Quality and Environmental Management System certification. As the sole national accreditation body recognized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), formerly known as the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE), KAB operates accreditation programs for management systems certification bodies and personnel certification bodies within the framework of third-party attestation based on international standards.

Additionally, KAB became a signatory of the IAF MLA for QMS and EMS in 1999 and 2003, respectively. In 2015, KAB obtained FSMS signatory status after a successful evaluation by PAC peer evaluation teams. This achievement allowed ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 22000 certificates accredited by KAB to be recognized in countries that are members of the IAF MLA. Furthermore, to address market demands for industry-specific quality and other management systems, KAB operates multiple accreditation programs such as TL 9000, K-OHSMS, ISMS, GMS, EnMS, ABMS, Management System Auditor, NDT Personnel, and Machine Diagnostics with support from the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy.

As a non-profit organization, KAB provides accreditation services and surveillance of certification bodies all around the world for management systems and personnel. It also engages in MLA activities for international recognition and provides additional services in accreditation and certification, such as research, scheme development, and publication.

Financial Resources

KAB’s financial resources are supplemented by income from accreditation services, education, and other businesses that do not contradict impartiality.



  • Signs an MOU with NIDS to foster MDSAP assessors, establishing foundation for Korea's full MDSAP membership
  • Introducing a pilot accreditation program for ISO/IEC 42001(AIMS: Artificial Intellgence Management System)
  • Signs an MOU to lay the foundation for NAVY 45001 certification scheme (with the Republic of Korea Navy)
  • Certificate Awards Ceremony for accreditation of ISO 19443(Nuclear Supply Chain Quality Management System)
  • Signs a business agreement for local community contribution of accreditation system (with Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Council for Social Welfare)
  • Start pilot operation of ESG management system
  • Introduction of an accreditation scheme for NQMS(ISO 19443)
  • Produce one APAC lead peer evaluator and two peer evaluators (Total of 6 peer evaluators in South Korea, 4 of them are from KAB)
  • Signs a MOU to create a clean hydrogen certification industry ecosystem(with H2KOREA)
  • Establishment of mid- to long-term (5 year) development strategy for Korea Accreditation Board(KAB)
  • Signs a business agreement to utilize credit rating for KAB accredited certified organizations (with IBK Industrial Bank of Korea)
  • Designated as testing/inspection training institution (by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
  • Signs an MoU with NCA and a Cooperation Program with O’ZAKK
  • Acquires IAF MLA recognition for ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001)
  • Acquires IAF MLA recognition for MDQMS (ISO 13485)
  • Acquires IAF MLA recognition for FSSC (FSSC 22000)
  • Signs an MoU for the proliferation of ISO 45001 (with Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency)
  • Signs a business agreement to utilize credit rating for ISO certified organizations (with Korea Credit Guarantee Fund)
  • Acquires IAF MLA recognition for OHSMS (ISO 45001)

2010 ~ 2019


Recognized as an accreditation body of Aerospace Quality Management System (AS 9100/KS Q 9100) by IAQG/KAQG


Acquires IAF MLA recognition for Personnel Certification (ISO/IEC 17024)


Recognized as an accreditation body of Forest Management System (by KFCC, PEFC)


Acquires IAF MLA recognition for FSMS (ISO 22000)


Re-launched as Korea Accreditation Board (KAB), converted to incorporated foundation

Designated as KOLAS professional training institution (by Korean Agency for Technology and Standards KOLAS)


Opens “Malpractice Report Center “ to prevent malpractices of ISO certification


Holds an accreditation cooperation meeting with 9 major economies of IAF

2000 ~ 2009


Officially implements certification system for ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001)

  • Designated as an institution to manage domestic certification status of quality and environment management systems (Korea Agency for Technology and Standards)
  • Officially implements certification system for FSMS (ISO 22000)

Acquires IAF MLA recognition for EMS (ISO 14001)

  • Implements certification system for OHSMS (K-OHSMS)
  • Designated as a TL 9000 accreditation body by QuEST Forum (currently TIA) and its implementation

Changes name to 한국인정원(KAB)

1990 ~ 1999

  • Acquires PAC MLA recognition for Quality Management System
  • Acquires IAF MLA recognition for Quality Management System
  • Changes name to 한국품질환경인정협회(KAB)

Entrusted with quality management system (ISO 9001) accreditation work by the National Institute of Technology and Quality (currently Korean Agency for Technology and Standards)

  • Joins an international organization related to ISO certification/accreditation as Korean representative
  • Joins IAF, PAC, and IATC
  • Entrusted with environmental management system (ISO 14001) accreditation work by the National Institute of Technology and Quality (currently Korean Agency for Technology and Standards)
  • 28 September 1995, Establishes Korea Quality and Environmental Certification Association (Seung-yeon Kim of Hanwha Group inaugurated as chairman)
  • 20 November 1995, Gains permission for incorporation from the Industrial Promotion Agency