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2024 KAB-CB meeting was held in New Delhi
  • Date :2024-03-07
  • Writer :관리자
  • Count :354

KAB is a global accreditation body that provides accreditation services all around the world for management systems.

Currently, four certification bodies located in India, namely UCS, PACATUS, IBP, and InterCert, are accredited by KAB.




To directly engage and communicate with partners in India, KAB visited India

on March 4th and KAB-CB meeting was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel in New Delhi. 

Three Certification bodies, which are UCS, PACATUS, and IBP, attended the meeting.


Information regarding document development and revision, accreditation fees, and criteria for sanction related to KAB accreditation services were shared in detail.

- (Regarding fradulent certification bodies) Accreditation from an IAF MLA member body with a validity period of more than 6 months and no history of notified misconduct for 5 years according to KAB-AR-MD7 are required.

- (Restrictions on accreditation services) Assessment process restrictions, such as renewal and scope extension applications, are possible in case of violations of obligations such as payment of accreditation fees and post-management assessment.

- (Criteria for sanction) Explaining the possibility of higher or lower level of sanction for duplicate sanction and emphasizing that sanction will be reported even if the reasons for sanction are resolved.

- (Adjustment of appeal period) 10 days from the notification date, with a maximum of 20 days granted in case of inevitable circumstances.

- (IAF CertSearch upload) Notice of the effective date (October 26th) and guidance on data entry requirements.


KAB has been conducting on-site assessments in India since last year to strengthen communication with Indian certification bodies. 

Through this certification body director's meeting, KAB aimed to share accurate information about accreditation and enhance communication.


We will actively strive to maintain a cooperative relationship with Indian certification bodies for the development of suitability assessment fields.
