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2021 IAF Joint Statement, Brochure and Poster for WAD published
  • Date :2021-06-23
  • Writer :Admin
  • Count :2781
The 2021 IAF Joint Statement, Brochure and Poster for WAD has been published in IAF website.
09 June 2021 marks World Accreditation Day (#WAD2021), a global initiative established by IAF and ILAC to promote the value of accreditation.

A joint statement by the IAF and ILAC Chairs, a brochure and a poster are now available for download on the IAF websithere and the ILAC website here.

In addition, the Public Sector Assurance and Business Benefits websites, which contain case studies, research and supporting materials demonstrating the benefits and value of accreditation, now feature an option for searching by SDG.
Celebrating WAD 2021, it is an honor that KAB's accreditation also supports the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (the theme of WAD 2021).
We wish you all the best in the value of accreditation!
Source : IAF website