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[KAB] Establishment Of The System For IAF CertSearch Mandatory Data Upload
  • Date :2024-07-19
  • Writer :홍보담당자
  • Count :311


To comply with IAF MD 28, IAF Mandatory Document for the Upload and Maintenance of Data on IAF Database, KAB has successfully connected KCN(KAB Certi-Net) with IAF CertSearch.


Now, all the data uploaded to KCN will be regularly forwarded to IAF CertSearch.


Therefore, if KAB accredited certification bodies in Korea ensure their data is properly uploaded to KCN, they will meet the data upload requirements in IAF MD28.


Through IAF CertSearch, a platform for global accreditation/certification, the information on KAB accredited certification bodies and certified clients can now be accessed.


(Note) KCN(KAB Certi-Net) is a platform for authenticating KAB accredited certifications. Currently, KCN is available only in Korean, but an English service for foreign certification bodies will be launched in September, allowing all KAB accredited certification bodies to use KCN.


Below is detailed information on IAF CertSearch


1. What Is IAF CertSearch?




IAF CertSearch is an online, real-time database designed to authenticate accredited management system certifications regardless of language or location, etc.  


IAF, International Accreditation Forum, has consolidated all information on accredited certification, which was previously managed by individual accreditation bodies, into this integrated platform. This not only to ensures the distinction of accredited certification and enhances user convenience, but also strengthens the certification transparency by preventing fake certifications.


Before IAF MD 28, data upload by certification bodies was optional, resulting in only 35% of the certifications being recorded in IAF CertSearch. For instance, information on a certified client by a KAB accredited certification body was available in KCN, but not in IAF CertSearch.


The limitation of IAF CertSearch was noted by certification users, who strongly advocated for mandatory database entry. IAF collected feedback and held a vote on “the Upload and Maintenance of Data on IAF Database”, resulting in the publication of IAF MD 28 with 60% approval.


From October 26, the effective date of IAF MD28, everyone can authenticate the accredited certification through IAF CertSearch.


Detailed certificate information, including standards, scope, status, a certification body, an accreditation body, will be provided upon entering company name or certificate number in IAF CertSearch.



2. Changes and Actions for Certification Bodies(CBs)


According to the accreditation manual (KAB-AM-CAB), KAB requires accredited certification bodies to report their certification performance regularly.


Considering IAF MD28, KAB will revise the form (KAB-AM-F05), which is a mandatory document for accreditation application, so that the applicant can choose how they upload their data: either by agreeing to data transfer from KCN to IAF CertSearch or by uploading their data to IAF CertSearch directly.




IAF MD28 outlines the requirements for accreditation bodies and certification bodies to meet the IAF data base principles, and states the guidance on meeting the requirements, the nonconformity and the related sanctions.


Data requirements for accreditation and certification bodies include:


Uploading data to the IAF Database at least once a month. If an error or omission is identified, the corrected data must be uploaded within two weeks.


(Note) KAB will send the data from KCN to IAF CertSearch daily, so corrections will be reflected the next day.


The document explains that AB/CB may mark data as ‘confidential’ within the IAF Database where appropriate and justifiable.


(Note) KAB will exclude confidential information, such as the location of certified military camps, which is regarded as national secretes. Moreover, if a client does not agree to disclose confidential information, a certification body can record the reason in KCN.


With the connection between KCN and IAF CertSearch complete, it is expected that all KAB-accredited certification bodies will efficiently meet the requirements of IAF MD 28 without the need for duplicate reporting.



Transparent and trustworthy information on certified client and certifications is required globally across all the industry sectors within supply chain.


As a full member of IAF, KAB, will actively support this initiative to ensure that KAB accredited certificate are authenticated and trusted in the global supply chain.​
