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Global KAB! - NCA(Kazakhstan)·O'ZAKK(Uzbekistan) MOU
  • Date :2022-07-18
  • Writer :Admin
  • Count :67946

KAB (CEO, Sangjae Yun) visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from June 8th to June 14th. The purpose of this visit was to establish a close mutual standards cooperation system with NCA of Kazakhstan and O’ZAKK of Uzbekistan.


In Kazakhstan, standards cooperation were agreed with major standardization organizations such as National Center of Accreditation (NCA), Kazstandart, and Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee (CTRM) of the Ministry of Trade and Integration.


During the meeting between KAB and NCA, the heads of the two organizations, Sangjae Yun, the CEO of KAB, and Kainar Taizhanov, the CEO of NCA, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen mutual standards cooperation to optimize and expand standards exchange between the two countries. It includes articles such as standards and technical regulations and mutual recognition of conformity assessment results.


In Uzbekistan, KAB and the National Accreditation Center (O’ZAKK) held a meeting and signed a cooperation program agreement, solidifying a cooperative relationship. KAB and O’ZAKK have planned programs to share knowledge and experience through internships and witness assessments, as well as build assessor competence. KAB was also able to identify the current status of advancing into Uzbekistan, including information on GSP+.


Through these agreements, it is expected that a strategic partnership will be established for the development and growth of the certification industry in the future as well as systematic and continuous exchange and cooperation with the accreditation bodies of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.