IAF and ILAC has introduced a video on its Youtube channel regarding the recent COVID-19 pandemic as follows;
"Along with the threat it poses to human health, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruptions to economies, labour markets and world trade.
Standards, accreditation and international cooperation forums like IAF and ILAC can help mitigate the negative consequences of COVID-19 and fight its spread, supporting a number of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals."
"Under the purview of the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA), management system standards like ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 allow companies to be better prepared to handle crisis situations like a pandemic, while ISO 45001 helps protect essential workers and ISO 22000 supports food safety. Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies ensures the reliability of conformity assessment results, and mutual recognition arrangements like the IAF MLA and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) enable the flow of goods across borders. Application of standards ensures the quality of medical supplies, while international recognition of accreditation prevents delays in their distribution."
For those who are interested, please find out the video in the following link
Source : IAF, Youtube